QSWB3000 Install
A recent install of a pair of QSWB3000's #qswb3000 #wall #bracket
Super Stand Install
A Recent Super Stand install by Kistler and Associates in upstate New York. #superstandmitsubishicitymulti
QSWI1000 Install
Another successful install of a QSWI1000 by a recent customer
Super Stand Demonstration
Quick-Sling Super Stand with Mitsubishi City Multi #video
New Adjustable Mini Split Stands
Quick-Sling 1200/01 and 1800/01 are now adjustable in width in 1" Increments. Also adjustable in height up to 1.25"...
Quick Sling Reviews
Here is an email we received from our latest happy customer! Bill, I have attached pictures of the Quick-Sling stands. I used the...
Latest Projects
Super Stand Multi install at Dry Air Systems/Alternate Energy Mechanical in Newburyport, Ma
Quick-Sling Reviews
Here is an email we received from our latest happy customer! "Here are the pics of your quick sling you sent me this week. THANKS for the...